How to Boost Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem: Practical Exercises For Personal Growth and Success

Looking to build your self-esteem? You deserve a bear hug. Being aware of a problem is actually the first step in solving it. Boosting confidence and self-esteem is not an easy task. It is a lot of determination to unlearn, relearn, and build new habits but the good news always is that it is achievable. So if you need practical tips on how to boost your confidence and self-esteem, you sure want to keep reading. 

I’ll begin with my own experience, it's been a long way coming. I lost opportunities for fear of not being qualified. For so long I held myself back from making progressive changes in my life because I didn’t believe and trust in my self-worth. I wish upon my life that I don’t have to deal with this growing up. I wanted to boost my self-confidence by every means necessary.  There was a time I wanted to stop thinking self-confidence is not meant for me and I was not born with it. It has to be for some cool people, not someone like me. I was almost fed up. 

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Self-confidence is such an attractive trait that most people desire and admire. I remember struggling with self-confidence, it was so hard for me to do things I wanted to do without being obsessed about other people’s opinions. I couldn’t get myself out of it no matter how hard I tried and I hated myself for it.  I love it when I see others stepping out to get things done ignoring criticisms or the fear of failure. I see how they express themselves and are comfortable in their skin and they are not bothered about what others think or say about them.

But I realized that there are a lot of factors that can contribute to one's lack of self-esteem. This happens mostly during your formative years from childhood into young adulthood. Adults also experience this. And it is not an inborn trait and if you lack self-confidence, it can be improved upon with effort, determination, and patience. You can boost your self-confidence and start believing in your abilities and self-worth

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Are you that person who feels inadequate, you have goals but you don’t seem to know how to go about achieving them or you don’t have the confidence to put yourself out there? Your lack of confidence has robbed you of opportunities that you know you truly deserve.

Someone once said that you’re not different from people who are excelling in their endeavor and if properly checked you’d find out that you know better or even more qualified- the difference is that they are confident and they show up.

The truth is that most people have had to deal with a lack of confidence at one time in our lives but it shouldn’t be our identity. You can build self-confidence and propel yourself for success in any area of life where you may find yourself.

Confidence and self-esteem are crucial components of personal growth and success. In this article, we will explore practical exercises you can use to boost your confidence and self-esteem and reach new heights of personal growth and success. 

The behaviour of someone with self-esteem

  • Avoid dwelling on past negative experiences
  • Believe you’re equal to everyone, no better no worse
  • Express your needs
  • Feel confident
  • Have a positive outlook on life
  • Say no when you want to
  • See your overall strengths and weaknesses and embrace them

The behaviour of someone without self-esteem

  • You believe that others are better than you
  • You find expressing your need difficult 
  • You focus on your weakness
  • You frequently experience fear, self-doubt, and worry
  • You have a negative outlook on life and feel a lack of control
  • You have trouble saying no and setting boundaries
  • You have an intense fear of failure

1. Identify Your Strengths

Growing up, I was obsessed and worried about things others could do that I couldn’t do. It was so bad that it had me crippled and blinded to things I could do. If you want to boost your confidence and self-esteem then identify your strengths and focus on them. Take a moment to reflect on your accomplishments, talents, and skills. What do you do well? What are you proud of? Write them down and review them regularly. Focusing on your strengths can help you feel more confident and positive about yourself. 

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2. Practice Positive Self-Talk

It is easy to get carried away and get so lost in your bad moments that you start spilling negative words. Or say negative words to yourself each time you think you’ve messed up. We love to say nice things to other people when they make mistakes but we deny ourselves the grace when we falter. It shouldn’t be.  

The way you talk to yourself can have a significant impact on your confidence and self-esteem. If you’re constantly criticizing yourself or focusing on your flaws, you’ll undermine your self-worth. Instead, practice positive self-talk. Choose words and phrases that are supportive and encouraging. For example, if you make a mistake, don’t say ‘I’m such an idiot.’ Say, ‘I made a mistake, but I can learn from it and do better next time.’

3. Face Your Fears

When you have a project you want to embark on or you want to try something completely unusual but you haven’t lifted a finger to give it a try. You keep telling yourself you need more knowledge or more time. I hate to be the one to break it to you but what you need is action. And you can’t do these things because you are afraid. But here is what you should know.

Fear can be a significant barrier to confidence and self-esteem. If you avoid challenges or opportunities because you’re afraid of failure or rejection, you’ll miss out on potential growth and success. Instead, face your fears head-on. Take small steps to confront your fears and build your confidence.

For example, if you’re afraid of public speaking, start by speaking in front of a small group of friends or colleagues. As you become more comfortable, you can take on bigger challenges. 

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4. Set Realistic Goals

One thing I’ve realized about goal setting is that it’s not in the intensity but in the ability to achieve those goals and stay consistent. To set goals, you have to be honest with yourself. Setting goals can be a very powerful way to boost your confidence and self-esteem.

However, it is essential to set realistic goals. If you set goals that are too challenging and unrealistic, you’ll set yourself up for failure and disappointment. If you want to start a new habit or routine, you don’t start off trying to be an expert. You should start with small steps like reading a chapter of a book if you want to read more. This will prove more helpful than trying to read one book in a week.

On the other hand, if you set achievable goals, you’ll build confidence as you reach each milestone. Remember to celebrate your successes along the way or reward yourself.

5. Take Care of Yourself

Self-care is critical for self-confidence and self-esteem. Make sure you’re taking care of your physical and emotional needs. Get enough sleep, eat a healthy diet, get enough sleep, and exercise regularly. Take time to enjoy things you enjoy, whether it's reading a book, watching a movie, dancing, or spending time with friends and family. When you take care of yourself, you’ll feel better about yourself and have more energy and motivation to pursue your goals.

Boosting your confidence and self-esteem is essential for personal growth and success. By practicing these practical exercises, you can develop greater confidence, resilience, and self-worth.

Remember, building confidence and self-esteem take time and effort, but the benefits are well worth it. So take action today, and start your journey towards a more confident, successful, and fulfilling life.

What do you do when you lack the confidence to go for what you want?  Share with me in the comment section, so we can all learn together!

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